Small 3 gal tank


New Member
Jun 9, 2003
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I have a three gal eclipse tank with a few dwarf puffers and a couple of live plants. In the past two weeks there has been a bit of algae growing on the plants how do I get rid of this.

Also I want to make this tank more interesting with more plants and decorations but since the tank is so small it is hard to find things that will actually fit in this tank like drift wood. I would like to add a lot more plants also. I have two watts per gal. I really like the way some of the smaller foreground grasses look and was wondering which grasses would do well. Also looking for some suggestions on other types of plants that would do well in this small of a tank and things I could do to this tank to make it more interesting.

here is a pic of my tank

I know longer have the bushy plant in the middle it was to messy ( I cant remember the name of it)

Here's a few pics I posted in the members area

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