slug thing??


Jan 31, 2005
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at my desk in iowa
ok im writing this for my dad beause he really loves his fish tank but im afraid if we let it go it could be bad) ok now there is a thing in our tank that looks like a slug but it only comes out at night it came from a batch of colypso my dad got from one of his reef buddies. hes afraid it might be a flatworm but from the pics ive seen this looks very short (1/2in long) and not all that flat any help would be appreciated by me and my dad.

p.s. its a 75gallon with 6 fish and lots of snails and crabs
I've got one too. It's pretty gross looking but I haven't caught it munching on any corals or anything...
Sounds like a nudibranch to me- try searching for pictures to compare.
Does this thing move very fast for a creature like this? does it have aparticular colour and does it have a flat shell very much like a fingernail?
Mine moves at a slug like pace - not very slow, but not particularly fast.

It's almost exactly the same sandy brown color as the live rock.

It has that fingernail looking shell on its back.

I just assumed it was a sea slug of some sort or another and left it in there.
OK the fingernail shell was the keyword i hoped you would answer and this was done!
If this does have a fingenail type shell then its almost definately a Stomatella Snail. Completely harmless and a very good workhorse among the cleanup crew. They can move like rockets when they want too and also breed easily in captivity. They are purely algae/detrius eaters and are nothing to worry over. Shows that the liverock you have is good quality and there is alot of life still in there waiting to get out! :cool:
Cool!! Thanks Navarre! ...and thanks, bettaboi for asking :p
I just did a google image search and am pretty sure that the stomatella snail is what I have :thumbs:

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