Slowing Down The Current From A Spray Bar...

electric yellow

Fish Addict
Dec 27, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Victoria, Australia
Today i had to dismantle my aqua start 320 because the filtration kept playing up even after adding an extra power head. The water flow through the divider even after adding assisstance still wasnt enough. I put my PK Shimmer in my other tank but i notice he is having problems with the current. How do i slow the outlet when its a spray bar? Both tanks are under gravel filtered and get a gravel vac every week when i do a water change.

The Kingdom Shimmer now lives in...


The spray bar is the original one that comes with this tank so not the small one you can see. Ive turned it around to face the back of the tank and its helped a lil bit but the currents still strong..hes going to get dizzy lol!

Ramjet is now in his own tank and im waiting for the water to settle before replanting and decorating. Its sad because now i can not get another because ihave had to pull down the dividing wall.

His old tank..

fish061.jpg a single betta tank...
Great looking little tanks :good:

You could try putting a stocking over the spray bar, that should help slow down the flow abit more.
Try drilling more holes in the spraybar, and you could also turn it round so it faces the glass.
Just turn it over so the holes face the back wall of the tank at a slight downward angle.
Looks like a stocking would fit over there fine and just secure it at the end so it doesn't slip off :good:

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