I'm thinking if there are any slow schooling fish out there that will keep the tanks activity as low as it is, I'll give them a try instead of getting some shoalers like the red eye tetras that already occupy the tank
The tank, 37 gallons, 30" length 12" width 24" height
Community is peaceful and I'd like to keep it that way, so avoid fish that have tendencies to nip and chase fish outside of their own species
I'm also trying to steer clear of fish that stay around an inch or lower, 2"-3" is a preference, don't want my raphael catfish making them disappear at night while he's looking for his treats, and at the same time, I don't want my tank all crowded due to a school of big fish
I was looking at black phantom tetras and black skirt tetras, but they seem to scatter about similarly to the red eye's
I'm not prohibiting activity, but I don't want them darting about disrupting the peace and hogging the food, like my giant danios and buenos aires tetras used to do in my larger aquariums.
suggestions appreciated, thanks much <3
The tank, 37 gallons, 30" length 12" width 24" height
Community is peaceful and I'd like to keep it that way, so avoid fish that have tendencies to nip and chase fish outside of their own species
I'm also trying to steer clear of fish that stay around an inch or lower, 2"-3" is a preference, don't want my raphael catfish making them disappear at night while he's looking for his treats, and at the same time, I don't want my tank all crowded due to a school of big fish
I was looking at black phantom tetras and black skirt tetras, but they seem to scatter about similarly to the red eye's
I'm not prohibiting activity, but I don't want them darting about disrupting the peace and hogging the food, like my giant danios and buenos aires tetras used to do in my larger aquariums.
suggestions appreciated, thanks much <3