Slow Growing Pleco


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2007
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There is no earth.
I have had a sailfin pleco for 7 months now and I haven't noticed much growth. Do plecos normally grow slowly??

What size was it when you bought it? What are you feeding it, and how frequently?

My juve BN has doubled in size in two weeks.

Andy :)
Does the pleco appear underweight at all?
How often do you do water changes on the tank and how mcuh do you take out on average?
What do you feed the pleco and how much/often?
Water change 30 - 40L weekly. I don't think I feed the pleco enough (1 vege chip/week) but he has a lot of competition between other fish (bristlenoses, corys). I don't think the pleco is underweight, but he always has ragged fins, which I think the Bristlenose causes.
The water change is about 20%, which is a fairly standard weekly water change. I don't know how a water change could be detrimental to a fish though.

Sail Fin Plecs seem to eat a predominantly veggie diet. Planet Catfish

Feeding fish is down to personal choice, but if you are only specifically feeding your bottom feeding fish 1 algae wafer once a week that IMHO is not enough. I feed my six Corys and 1 BN 1 algae wafer and one meaty sinking catfish pellet every other day, they have a share of frozen foods if they want them on the alternate days, and fresh veg is available all the time (I have minimal algae). I've only had my BN for two weeks, but he seems to be thriving.

If you think your plecs are fighting, try to split your tank into sections, providing plenty of hiding places, and the two plecs will hopefully chose territories.

Andy :)
HA!! i've had a pleco for 3 years and its just reached the 7 inch mark (in length)...he now attacks the other fish....awww bless :sick:
I suspect underfeeding. I would see about having veg available for them on most days and maybe breaking food up in smaller portions if there is competition. I have 15 bristlies of very varying sizes in my tank atm, and it is possible to make sure everyone gets something.
I agree with Dwarfgourami and Aqua Andy, the pleco most likely hasn't grown much because it isn't getting enough to eat, i feed my plecos almost every single day of the week.

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