Slow Growing Fry


Fish Herder
Jun 25, 2004
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I started jarring my fry which are now on week 10, because one of them seems to have gotten pretty badly beaten up so I figured they might be getting aggressive. My worry is that they look more like week 6 to week 8 fry based on this chart:

Betta Fry Growth

Both parents are on the small side. I was wondering if the grwoth rates in the foregoing chart are what most of you breeders out there get.
I guess it depends... are your fish ALL small? Or are there large ones, and small ones.

Remember, that the larger ones screte a hormone that can stunt the growth of smaller fry, which is why larger ones should be jarred first.

If they are all smaller, it is probably diet and waterchanges. Now that they are jarred, it will be easier to get food and keep water clean - what foods are they getting?

I have had fry that are larger than the chart, and some that lag behind a few weeks.
Are these the mahachai? If so, ime the wilds grow slower...a lot slower.
If not, up your water changes to once a day if possible and your feeding should be quite generous. That'll grow em.
I had the same concerns with my fry... that chart is just in general, I think. My fry were always behind it and at 3 months they're great size, some of them very large. ;0)

Definitely feed plenty of high-protein foods, like frozen BS and BWs, and grindals if you have a culture going. Atison's Betta Pro is also great. I think we need pics of your juvies, just to be sure!! hehe
Thanks all... will do on the pics... will ask my GF to snap up a few.

Size... one is a lot larger than the rest and the rest vary in size... I would say three size groups... I jarred the largest one early cause I figured he/she might be impeding the others growth.

Species... these are Betta splendens from my 11.10.05 spawn.

Sorry I have not been around lately... I have been occupeid :D

The others will definitely catch up now that the largest, most dominant male is jarred.

That puppy is just flat out adorable, ral, congrats!
GAWD, what a cute little baby! ;0) I wish I had such a cutie to keep me busy... ohh, nvm, I do have a cute pup to keep me busy. Congrats on your pupper! He's a very cute PRT :wub:

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