Slimy Sludge Inside Filter Holder - Good Or Bad?

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Fish Fanatic
Nov 19, 2012
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I've been meaning to ask this question for some time...  I get a slight build up of a brownish slimy sludge substance in my filter and cartridge holder.   
This may sound silly.. But is this the "Good Bacteria" or something that should be cleaned out periodically?  I get the heavy stuff out and leave a little behind just in case it is beneficial.  
Thank you.
Is it a planted tank? If so, I think you'll find it is largely the detritus and decaying matter from the plants which isn't good, but yes along with good bacteria. Wash it away with tank water.
Aye, dead plant material, uneaten food, decaying poo.
Rinse in used tank water and pour it on houseplants, it's great fertilizer.
I have one plant in there, but even before I did, I would see the slime.
Thank you - So it's not good stuff to have in the filter.. 
Well, it's all the gunk the filter is getting out of the tank.
I usually don't worry about it till the flow is decreased. Then everything gets a good clean in used tank water.
Houseplants and the garden love it.

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