Slimmy Brown Stuff


New Member
May 21, 2009
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Hi guys,

I have been running my BiUbe for a while now - everything seems to be going well. It has 2 Zebra danios, 3 mountain clowns and a couple of golden zebra danios. The water recently tested had both ammonia and nitrite at zero - with nitrate at 40. I am now seeing brown slimy stuff starting to grow on various items in the tank - some stones and plastic leaves. It is almost a rusty colour, but comes off easily. I cleaned it out the other day during a water change, but I can see it coming back again. Fish seem OK at the moment.

What is causing it ?

Sounds like algae, quite common for new tanks apparently.

I have plenty of it coating my tank and that has been set up for 3 months.
How long has the tank actually been set-up?

It sounds like Brown Algae, otherwise known as diatoms. It's very common in new set-ups. I think it's due to silicates and/or ammonia. All you can do atm is rub it off of plants and glass etc then do your best to vaccuum it out.
It should however go away on it's own after awhile. :)
How long has the tank actually been set-up?

It sounds like Brown Algae, otherwise known as diatoms. It's very common in new set-ups. I think it's due to silicates and/or ammonia. All you can do atm is rub it off of plants and glass etc then do your best to vaccuum it out.
It should however go away on it's own after awhile. :)

4 months old - just started a few weeks back. Will keep an eye on it.


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