Slime And Worms, What Are They And How Did It Get There? (With Closeup


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Oct 7, 2010
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i recently moved house, so had to do away with all the water in the tank, this was about 2 months ago, after a cleaning of the tank (nothing major, just scraped the glass and lightly cleaned the gravel with a siphon during a water change)
after 2 days a slime built up on the glass, then on closer inspection, what looks like worms that are wriggling along through the slime.

Looks like it could be hydroids. Cut back on the amount of food and do two or three smaller water changes/gravel siphon a week. Maybe 10% each time. They should die off slowly and be gone in a few weeks.
I don't think they are hydroids as you can clearly see they are worm like. I think they are detritus worms but the advice is the same, keep the substrate scrupulously clean.

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