Slightly Cloudy Water


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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For the past couple of days I've been debating whether or not my water looks cloudy. Sometimes I think the it's just how the light is hitting it, but I'm not really sure. The ammonia and nitrate levels are fine, and everyone is acting fine. I just put in a new filter, and have tried partial water changes to help. I was looking at treatments and wasn't sure what works. I saw in a post on green cloudy water a product called Clearwater that is like a teabag, but I can't find it anywhere around here. There are mostly liquids, and fizzing tablets. Can anyone stear my in the right direction? :S
Stay clear of liquid additives that claim to destroy algea/clear water ive just learnt that the hard way and have lost some of my best fish.Are you in the UK or the US?The clearwater bags should be quite easy to find if your in the UK.If you have been doing a lot of water changes it could be excess oxygen in the water,try slowing the return on the filter for a few hours to see if it setles and clears. :)
I'm in the US....yeah, I've seen that Clear water stuff too, but I've only seen the liquid.

yeah, I wondered about those liquids. I saw one in PetsMart that said it removed excess phosates or something, and soften the water...should I not try this either?

Has anyone every tried the Tank Buddies Clear Water tablets?

I also slowed down the flow of my fliter...

Thanks. :D

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