Slight Algae Problems


Fish Crazy
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
UK, England
More recently ( two months or so..) I get a light algae build up on the glass in a certain position. This build up begins maybe even a day after the glass has been cleaned... Any idea why? the tanks been running for nearly two years now.
From the onset (in 1970) I was taught that "you have to get the balance right".... That is the amount of light to the amount of fish to the number of plants & if you have a balance there, no more algea problems etc. etc...

How much of that is really relevant, is for each to exploit on his own.... but if you do get a brownish algea, then you have too little direct lighting and if it is a green algea, you have too much... (experiment by switching the lights off earlier or later..... - until you find that balance....
I had the same problem. I cut down on the amount of time I had the lights on, increased my live plants (which compete with the algea) and bought a bristlenose pleco and x 3 amano shrimp which munch on it and things have improved drastically!
lol i just bought a pleco today!lol
I hardly keep light on as I dont have many plants in there now.....but saying that if I added plants surely they need light?
lol i just bought a pleco today!lol
I hardly keep light on as I dont have many plants in there now.....but saying that if I added plants surely they need light?

Around 8 - 12 hours a day
Amano shrimp are a bonus to the tank as besides the algae they will also clean up any leftovers! They are so cute and really interesting to watch too. I had a good laugh today while one tried to run off with an algae wafer and my ram was playing tug a war with it!
Amano shrimp are a bonus to the tank as besides the algae they will also clean up any leftovers! They are so cute and really interesting to watch too. I had a good laugh today while one tried to run off with an algae wafer and my ram was playing tug a war with it!

You see!!.... you guys have all the fun..... I've yet to see a shrimp in any of my pet stores, let alone a algae wafer.... Would love to have any of those!
Find the cause of the algae.

Here is great link.

Pic for Ludwig :fun:

Well I do have a Rio 125 [Juwel] and use the standard filter on that. Im now thinking it maybe because I do not replace the green Nitrate filter enough....
Amano shrimp are a bonus to the tank as besides the algae they will also clean up any leftovers! They are so cute and really interesting to watch too. I had a good laugh today while one tried to run off with an algae wafer and my ram was playing tug a war with it!

You see!!.... you guys have all the fun..... I've yet to see a shrimp in any of my pet stores, let alone a algae wafer.... Would love to have any of those!

You can purchase both of these on Ebay if you cant get them elsewhere!
Yep but Ludwig is in South Africa, not sure the shrimp would survive the journey :) The algae wafer would though :lol:
Yep but Ludwig is in South Africa, not sure the shrimp would survive the journey :) The algae wafer would though :lol:

Anyone wanna post me an algea wafer....... PM me and let's talk business.....(postage for my account).
Yep but Ludwig is in South Africa, not sure the shrimp would survive the journey :) The algae wafer would though :lol:

Anyone wanna post me an algea wafer....... PM me and let's talk business.....(postage for my account).

Just out of your LFS get king british stock? If so they can probably get you the wafers.

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