Sleepy Tom Cat


Cheer up, the worst is yet to come. ~ P. Johnson
Jul 31, 2004
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The Netherlands/UK
Tom was asleep on the bed once again, he is every single day. Quite annoying when you want to get in bed, but cute otherwise. Anyway, I figured I'd get the phone out and take some pictures this time. He didn't seem too bothered actually, when he did finally wake up he simply looked at me and started purring right away :wub: Being the youngster he still is (well, he's just over a year now) he ofcourse had to go for my cow dangle after that so I couldn't take pictures anymore. Just 2 pictures, do excuse me if the size is a bit too large.



I miss having cats around the house :( I grew up with 2 cats. We got them when I was about 3 or 4 from kittens (brother and sister) and they lived to 21 and 22. They were great and I miss them :( I can't currently have cats as I rent where I live and theres a no pets rule (except fishies :))

Adorable looking cat though :wub:
Aww, I can't imagine a life without cats around. You must indeed miss them a lot
At the moment we've got 2 cats here, Tom and Misty. Misty is 15 years old and doesn't like pictures being taken of her :p Tom did have a brother, Toby, but unfortunatly he got hit and killed by a car last december (on his first day outside alone). Needless to say Tom is now an indoors only cat, even though he doesn't agree with it :p
Thank you for the POTM =) Don't look his cute looks fool you though, he's a pure evil kitten most of the time. Whether you're just reading your post or brushing your teeth, he *will* attack what you're holding

The bread in the background is all mine, he's not keen on it :p He does like trying to eat the bag though.
not as cute as my Bagheera but still worthy of

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