Sleepy Head


Fish Crazy
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
Newcastle, uk
I love these recent pictures of my syrian named bobby, he looks so relaxed as if he doesnt have a care in the world...




he's extra special because we almost lost him for good last week. He managed to escape his tub cage while we were sleeping and remarkably made his way into the bathroom, crawled down the back of the shower and eventually ending up in an old blocked off chimney were he stayed for over 24 hours.

When we heard him scratching behind the walls and realised he couldnt find his way back, we were forced to cut a hole in our kitchen wall and call his name until he found his way out:

This was him immedietely after his rescue, looking dusty and a bit sleepy, he lost both his front teeth during the ordeal but he's since made a full recovery!

Anyway, i thought i'd share my story with you guys :wub:
Aaaw :wub: He is gorgeous. I just love that sleepy face. :wub: I nominate the 3rd pic for POTM :good: Lovely pics and great news on finding him after his adventure. :D
Oh *faints* - cuteness overload ! :hyper: That's just too cuddly cute :wub: and I second that nomination for the 3rd pic !

Naughty little Houdini though - very lucky you found him well and safe :good: hole in the kitchen wall and all ! :hyper:
Thank you both for the nominations, its very sweet of you.
Funnily enough this wasnt the first time Bobby has had to be rescued, I wasnt looking to buy a hamster when i found him. I saw him alone in the pet shop and the owner told me he was looking to get rid of him that day.. they had a delivery of new hamsters coming the next day and he was simply un-wanted and would be used for live feeding to the reptiles if not sold by 5pm..

Anyway, i went back at 5pm and negotiated with the owner who gave me him for free, I later reported them to the rspca, who said they would investigate the matter further.

So there you have it, he's a lucky a little fella.. :D
Oh he's too cute to have had such a dangerous adventure. Poor thing, glad he made it out of that situation ok. Why do I see this being made into a children's movie?

Great little guy, very cute!
Awww, what a cute little hammie! :wub: :wub:

Soooo cute, one of my rats looked kinda like that when he was a baby, all fuzzy and chubby and absolutley cuddle-able.

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