Sleeping Bettas


Fish Addict
Mar 2, 2005
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Southern Indiana
My husband called me at work yesterday, terrified. He told me Batista was hung up on top of the thermometer and couldn't move. I couldn't help but laugh. Bastista has slept on top of the thermometer since I put it in the tank. He totally ignores the plant. He will lay on top of the thermomter and then all he has to do is raise his head up to get a gulp of air. Talk about lazy! ;)
All my guys are different... Fred sleeps on top of one of his plants, Bob does the same, JD sleeps on his thermometer, and BB I'm not sure yet since he's new... The Bettas I keep at school, I don't know they're sleeping habits since I'm not around when they are sleeping...
Well, lemme see -
Archie - never caught him sleeping so I don't know
Harvey - LOVES his plants. And he hangs out between the heater cord and the glass
Jack - parks himself on top of his heater
Jasper - also LOVES his plants. He hangs out in there almost always, hiding or not - or unless i'm looking in on him, then he's snake dancing
Charlie - likes to lay in between the 2 top leaves of his plant - he looks like a taco in there! :)
Lucky - Um, that fish does NOT stop moving, ever.
Six - LOOOOOOOVES and adores his plant. He lays on one of the leaves unless it's feeding time or I'm looking in on him.

and none of my girls EVER sit still - they're always begging for food, chasing each other or swimming through the current.


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