Sleep Question


Jul 18, 2005
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i wake up at 6 in the morning every week day an feed my lil boy an girl ive noticed that bettas sleep in like a bed spot every night...ive never noticed that with any other fish ive had, tigerbarb, oscars, jack dempsies, african cichlids. but here is my question....*drum roll* do bettas need to breath when they sleep or do they just kinda shut down their bodys like other animals do when they hibernate...or them one snakes an frogs do when its winder an they freeze in a chunk of ice only do thaw out in the spring an be like ??? WTF just happened? did i just experience time travel????? :p there ya go now i gotta go to school!!! BYE!!!
Mine both are in the bottom early in the AM like two logs. I'm not an early riser so when I'm up early and feeding them, the older one gets kind of resentful. He's not a morning person either apparently. They seem to just shut down or something. The blue one has yellow eyes in the AM so I've wondered if they have weird eyelids like cats. It takes a bit to rouse them. I'd be the same if I could get away with it and probably so would you. No more running out the door for school and all that. :/
yep, mine all have a favorite spot to lay. :) One of them scares me, because he likes to kind of lean over on his side on the gravel. I have 7 big silk plants that he could rest on, and he chooses instead to play dead on the bottom. :p
Hi. Just wondering why you've never seen Oscars sleep. My brother had a bunch of them, and they all lay almost horizontally at night. I was shocked the first time I saw it, but apparently they do it every night....The angle of their bodies with the ground is sometimes as small as 20 degrees when they sleep!


EDIT: took out a diagram that wasn't working.
oscars are like big fish mine was 10+inches long in a 55gal b4 i gave it all to my cousin an he never layd on his side...ive never had a fish lay on there side my female ALWAYS sleeps on a leaf right under the surface of the water.
My males do the same thing. Each of them has a special place, usually a silk plant so I buy those that work perfect for them. My females don't....One of my males likes to 'hang' in the bowl, staring up at night, its really weird like a bat, only upright. The tips of his caudal balance on the bottom of his jar.

I do also have a male swordtail who has a sleeping spot, every night and every morning he is there. I think he can see his reflection there and likes to watch it, lol.
Mine all have sleeping spots too. I love seeing them sleep, like a psycho fish mommy watching her children while they rest :wub: :look:

The change in their eye colour at night is due to the natural colour paling they go through while asleep; some do it, some don't. I imagine it depends on what their original eye colour is.

My oscar doesn't have a special sleeping spot, but he definitely sleeps too. Most of the time he leans with one side resting against the glass.

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