Slate in the aquarium


I gues it won't change the water condition then? does it improve the tank condition or make no difference?
as far as I know slate won't have any affect on your water parameters (unlike things like limestone, lavarock etc, which alter your pH).

Just make sure you give a good clean before you put it in.

the only thing you need to make sure with slate is that it does not have any iron deposites in it, this can be seen as an orangy/rusty band running through it.
other than that it is totally inert.
is this a good idea, has anyone done this before or seen it, I thought the slate would give the tank depth! plus when it's wet it looks great with fish against it! shall i go ahead and do this or not?

I'm not to keen on these prints even though i have one on my tank, wanted to be a little different!
I'd say it is a great idea, go for it.

don't forget to post pics :thumbs:
The-Wolf said:
I'd say it is a great idea, go for it.

don't forget to post pics :thumbs:
Yeah me too :nod: .

Is a great idea, and will give your tank an excellent but cheap 3D background :thumbs: .

ok, gonna be some time before I get this set up done, just moved in and need to re-wire and heating the lot, :sad: looking at three months work, :( lucky me, but as soon as its done I will post up pics! :D
Great thing about slate (if it's the roof tile variety) is it's pretty thin - you won't lose much water volume, even overlapping pieces. I bet it'll look great - wish I'd thought of that before I started hacking away at polystyrene (loads of left over slate in the garden). House looks like we've had a blizzard just now, but if I don't cut into the polystyrene a lot, we'll lose half the depth of the tank.
I'm in the middle of "slating" the back of a terrarium for some anoles that my son wants.
I thought it would do the same thing...add depth that is, and offer some climbing areas for the anoles to bask on.

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