Slate Caves


Fish Fanatic
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
West of Glasgow
i know plecos use slate caves for breeding. but i want to make some for my fish so they can sleep in them or chill in them :lol: whatever fish do.

will any fish use the slate caves?.

everytime i google it plecos is the only fish that is used in the same sentenceas slate caves
I don't know of many fish who are picky about their caves. PVC, clay pots, coconuts, castles, sunken ships, caves made from actual rock. So long as the fish can get in it and feel safe I think that's all that matters.
Cories, shrimp, every fish will have a peek in there to investigate
Ive even seen my rummy nose tetras have a wee looksy into the caves. The plecos are the main users though. My cories prefer a cave with a hole at either end.
I have some just for my new peacock gobies. This is a species that like to spawn in small caves - mine have done so twice since I got them six weeks ago. My other fish just ignore them. If you have cave spawners that don't prefer a tiny entance hole they should use them.

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