Skunk Loaches?


New Member
Jun 12, 2005
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I've seen pictures of them online but never in any local pet shops. Are these loaches simply morphs of the clown loach or a different breed? I know they can live together, when I get a second (and bigger) tank I plan to get some if I can ever find them *crosses fingers*

P.S. Some skunks that I've seen online look *very* similar to Clowns but some are completely different. Are there different breeds of skunks?
avoid them like the tax man
they are a seperate species Botia morleti
they are the spawn of satan and will eat the fins of
every other fish you have with them.
lol. Are they really that bad? If so I probably wouldn't get them, what I love about clown loaches is that they're so peaceful.
The Skunk Loach, (Botia morleti, although often sold under the old name Botia horae), is a little fish with a big attitude problem. They are aggressive way beyond their size.

Viz Clown Loaches, I don't see how anyone could confuse the two. Skunk Loaches have no clearly obvious vertical bands like a clown. Young fish often show a few thin vertical stripes but these fade with age and are really thin.

There are dozens of species of Botia - are you sure the "Skunk Loaches" you saw that looked like Clown Loaches weren't really something else?
It's possible, they may have just been "called" Skunk Loaches. I'm guessing the ones i saw were probably just a morph of a clown loach since it was so similar. I wish I could dig up the website to show, if I find it I'll post the link.
Heres one of my skunks...i have 5 all together now and even though they are "spawns from hell"....they fit right in with me... :lol:


Danieow said:
lol. Are they really that bad? If so I probably wouldn't get them, what I love about clown loaches is that they're so peaceful.
They are the most nasty loach a person could get, even I don't keep them anymore.
I'm curious if those with experience with skunks believe their nastiness comes out as they age. I have a few of these guys and they've never proved troublesome, but they are not full grown and are in a tank with several species that can take care of themselves--a pleco, some fairly large kubotai and zebras, and a big fat modesta. Can I expect the skunks to become more difficult over time? Because, if so, I will plan out a specieis only tank for them.
IME yes they get worse as they get older/bigger
I had three with some large clowns and 2x 8" yoyos, to name but a few botias, and they were little

A species only tank would be great for them :thumbs:

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