skunk loach


Just this guy...
Feb 24, 2004
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Roslindale, Massachusetts, USA
I'm trying to find a suitable bottom-dwelling tankmate for my 29g Malay Community (not much of a community these days due to illness). Currently only 2 juvenile Siamese Algae Eaters live on the bottom.

Does anyone actually have Botia Morleti in their tank right now? Anyone who's kept them in the past?

I think I'd like to add 3 of them to fill out the bottom and to control the snail population. But I keep reading the word "aggressive" associated with them. They're a loach! How aggressive can a loach be, right?

If skunk loaches won't work in a peaceful community tank, any other ideas for a bottom dweller? I'd like to stay to mainland Asia, minus India, if possible. Obviously, Malay Peninsula would be best. Something snail eating and/or a "cleaner" would also be a plus.

fairly aggressive apparently ....I thought of them for my tanks too but was advised by a very experienced loach expert not to go there. Ended up getting zebras (striata) and polkadots (kubotai) as they stay small and have milder personalities. They are delightful......and they love the snails :D

Botia kubotai! Perfect!

In fact, there were two unlabeled loaches at the LFS tonight and when I asked, the girl didn't know yet. She said they'd just got them in. After finding some pics via Google, I'm pretty sure they were Burmese (Polka dot) Loaches! I'll have to call and check in the morning.

Thanks a lot! :thumbs:
M.H. , yea we have one , kinda nippy , he's funny to whatch until you see the damage he does . He shredded one my sons male bettas over night a couple of weeks ago and is now doing time in 30 with a pictus cat , and mogurnda mogurnda [ purple spotted gudgeon . I've heard he may do better with more of his own kind , only problem is we can't find any more . They'll definately eat snails.
I think those burm loaches might get big , morleti should be smaller 3" or so .

by the way how are things going ?
Well.... Unfortunately, the rasboras are dying one by one in the hospital. I still don't know what they've got. ($@%# Petsmart!) I treated for fungus and got rid of that, but they're still dying of something. I think it may be neon disease, but I'm not sure. I'm down to 3 as of tonight. :(

So the 29g is pretty quiet at the moment. I had a small ammonia/nitrite spike of less than 1ppm that is just now going back down (.25/.1). The 4 fish still in there are just sort of "there" right now. Not like before at all, but not acting sick per se. I'm a little still concerned so I'm doing waterchanges every 2-3 days.

I'd be putting the loaches on hold for a week to make sure they are not sick and that things are back to normal in the big tank, then leaving them in the hosp/quarantine tank for another week before introducing them.

BTW, thanks for asking. :)
As you can see in my sig, I have 1 skunk w/2 zebras They are all very peacefull and the same size. In fact the are more timid than my corys. Either would be great for your tank.
cometcattle said:
As you can see in my sig, I have 1 skunk w/2 zebras They are all very peacefull and the same size. In fact the are more timid than my corys. Either would be great for your tank.
do your loaches hang out together , I don't think ours means to be the way he is , maybe if he had a fellow loach as a companion he would act differently . :dunno: . He is a busy little guy and fun to watch .
modernhamlet said:
Well.... Unfortunately, the rasboras are dying one by one in the hospital. I still don't know what they've got. ($@%# Petsmart!) I treated for fungus and got rid of that, but they're still dying of something. I think it may be neon disease, but I'm not sure. I'm down to 3 as of tonight. :(

So the 29g is pretty quiet at the moment. I had a small ammonia/nitrite spike of less than 1ppm that is just now going back down (.25/.1). The 4 fish still in there are just sort of "there" right now. Not like before at all, but not acting sick per se. I'm a little still concerned so I'm doing waterchanges every 2-3 days.

I'd be putting the loaches on hold for a week to make sure they are not sick and that things are back to normal in the big tank, then leaving them in the hosp/quarantine tank for another week before introducing them.

BTW, thanks for asking. :)
No sweat , hang in there . So I guess you are still doing alot of water changes .

M.H. ARE THERE ANY SHOPS BESIDES PETSMART NEAR YOU ? Maybe that was a stupid question .

Yep, lots. Apparently people keep a lot of fish in Ohio. Most are worse than Petsmart actually, but 2 are substantially better. I will be purchasing my fish from those two stores from now on.

One of them sold me the first five rasbora. Great specimens. Healthy and happy until their deadly schoolmates came along.

I saw the loaches (and some black rasbora) at the same place I got the Gouramis and SAEs. At this point I'll probably stock the 29g fully from this store, just for the added security.
The skunk really doesnt hang out with the zebras. All three are most active when the lights go out.
cometcattle said:
The skunk really doesnt hang out with the zebras. All three are most active when the lights go out.
I was thinking about adding some DIY "moonlights" to my tank that I can run for an hour or two at night after the main lights go off. I wonder if that would let one view their loaches behavior more?
As a Do-it-yourself deal, it could be pretty cheap. You're pretty much getting a few LED lights and some wiring supplies. $20?

More expensive, but very cool, would be to use cold cathode tubes.

Of course there are manufactured complete systems available, but I've seen them from around $50 - $200. No thanks.

There seem to be a million different ways to do it. I haven't really found one I like yet though.

Let me know if you find one you like.
:/ read my sig i have a skunk loach and he is doing fine, he comes out every so often and makes his rounds and hides....doesnt do much agressing in my tank mainly hangs out in his ornament....

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