I have some tiny (<1mm) cream coloured oval objects on my tank glass. It's not baby snails cos they're not moving, it's not planaria (wrong shape, not moving), it's not eggs from the sparkling gouramis cos they're bubble nesters.
Only other inhabitants (apart from invisible egg-laying alien beings) are 3 teeny skunk cories. Can anyone deny/confirm the cory theory or come up with any other ideas?
Like The-Wolf said, C. arcuatus aka "skunk corys" are considered to be difficult but possible to breed by hobbyists.
I'm wondering just how large your "teeny" skunk corys are. Unless they are mature, the chance of the eggs belonging to them is quite small. It would be nice if it was though.
They're def not applesnail eggs - much, much smaller and laid individually, not in a cluster. Plus, all my applesnail eggs have hatched!! I'm a granny!
I'll try and take a photo, remind me to bring my camera to work tomorrow.