Skunk Cories Have Whitespot!


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
I was just watching the cories as per...and noticed 3 of the skunks have developed whitespot :crazy:,its more noticeable on the skunks because of their black stripe

I doublechecked it was whitespot before i added interpet whitespot treatment,do i still have to up the temperature?
I'm concerned has most of the cories top temperature is 26 degrees,and don't want to put it up only to cause them discomfort...
When my New Cory cats were flashing I treated them with Formalin·3 for a few weeks I only had the temp at 74 F. I did daily wc then added the Formalin·3. They never got the spots but they no longer flashed.

Formalin·3 controls ich but can take longer to work. But it is Cory safe at recomened dose. Don't use copper safe on corys.

Water changes will be more important then temp. I have treated ich more then I should have to. I just can't say no to a fish in need. I have a habbit of buying fish I know are sick I'm a sucker.

Note: you can treat ich at low temps as long as you treat for a extra week. The reason you bring the temp up is to speed the life cycle up so you can treat it quicker. At high temps of 82 F the ich life cycle is done in a day. At temps lower the 75f it can take 4-6 days. The only time the ich can be effected by treatment is when it's free swimming that is the middle of the life cycle.

Thanks ryan and snowflake :good:

The spots appear to be less today,i hope i caught it in time,one skunk appears paler than the rest,i'm just hoping he'll be ok.
I will treat the tank longer has opposed to upping the temperature...

The annoying thing is since i added the meds i appear to have a slight nitrite showing now :crazy: ,it was both zero's before has i checked it before i done a waterchange.
Some treatments can effect the bactiera in the filter. So make sure to do daily Wc before adding treatment.
I did :good: ,just checked it again,thankfully nitrites have returned to zero!

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