Skunk Cleaner Shrimp Eating My Goby!


Jan 8, 2006
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Hertfordshire, UK
I have had to remove my Yellow Watchman goby from my tank, mainly because its easier to catch than my 2 skunk cleaner shrimps! Why?

Well he appeared to have a graze on his back, I guess from burrowing under the rocks etc, he has several burrows. Nothing too serious at all.

I noticed the cleaner shrimps paying close attention to this area and thought this was fine, but after a week or so the sore appeared to grow. I watched them cleaning him and I could physically see them pulling at his skin.

It has now got to the point where a hole has appeared in his side, and the shrimps are going for this area. He's so placid, he just lies there and lets them do it.

He was still eating and appeared fine, but the hole was getting bigger and they were eating him alive so I had to remove him! I tried to catch the shrimps but after an hour realised it was nearly impossible...

Anybody else seen this behaviour in cleaner shrimps, why did he let them do it?
I think I have seen something similar to this with a firefish. Actually I tell a lie!

I read about this in a book. the fireish will retreat to its home/cave at night and will not move no matter what. It is common (apparently) for them to be eaten alive by bristleworms at night.

Quite a nasty way to go when you start thinking about it.

As for watchman gobies I can safely say your guess is better than mine XD

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