Skunk Botia


Fish Crazy
Nov 8, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, USA
I was just wondering what people have seen from these loaches, as I just got a group of four of them 3 days ago. For me it is good so far, and since some people say that they are calm, and others say that they are " the spawn of Satan" I just want to know how they acted in your aquariums. If there are any problems with this fish, then I won't hesitate to give them back.
Thanks for your input.
Their excellent fish: they do not grow enormous, they have personalities and they look pretty good! :good:
they are definatly not a community fish.
they are a small fish that pach a big wollop,
keeping in communities ends with no other fish having any fins left.

they are best kept with other aggressive loaches, like tigers, green tigers and orange finned blue loaches.
These loaches are quite agressive. We once had some in a tank with clown loaches, yellow labs, and a pleco. They terrorized everyone, including the labs, and we ended up selling them. They do have a lot of personality and are very active, but beware: they are "the spwan of satan". That's my experience. I would agree that they are not for a community tank.
Aggresive out of all proportion to their size. They'll chase and snap at anything.

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