Skl project, jst fill in a few q's please :)


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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Hey all,

I am doing a school project in which i need to gain some data which i can store and interpret. There are 5/6 questions i need to ask and i decided against 6 different poles and i will stick to one discussion.

Here goes, if everybody could answer all the questions honestly it would be great, thanks.

What is your favourite tropical fish?
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish?
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment?
What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase?
How many aquariums do you currently own?
How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)? (Average required time per tank please :) )
How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium?
If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Colwater Marine, Tropical Marine?

Thanks everyone, if as many of you as possible answer this question you will all have helped me sooooo much in my project.

( I might aswell fill in the questionaire ;) it gives me an extra response! lol)

1. My favourite tropical fish is the elephantnose fish.
2. I would be willing to pay 30 most for one fish.
3. I would be willing to pay (on my student budget) 350 for a set-up.
4. I would be most likely to get a 30/40GAL aquarium.
5. I currently own 6 aquariums. (whoa they build up quickly!)
6. I spend on average 2 hours per week per tank doing maintenance.
7. I spend on average erm 3/4 per week per tank watchin lol.
8. Tropical Marine followed by tropical freshwater are my preferred set-ups.

Thanks everyone,
1. My favourite tropical fish is my Rubbernose Pleco (because its the newst!)
2. I would be willing to pay £10 or so for a fish I really wanted, if it was the going rate (I'm not a rare, expensive type fish person - at the moment).
3. I would be willing (and did) pay £115 for a set-up (excluding the extras).
4. I would be most likely to get a >30g aquarium next time I buy one.
5. I currently own 1 aquarium (no more space unfortunately).
6. I spend on average 1 hours per week doing maintenance.
7. I spend on average 7 hours a week watching.
8. Freshwater tropical.

:) Good luck with the project.
What is your favourite tropical fish? Toss-up between bettas and German Blue Rams
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish? I paid $10 for my rams, but if I saw a gorgeous betta I'd go up to $100.
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment? Depends on the size.. but I've been looking at roughly $400 for a 55g..
What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase? 55g! I'm trying to convince my family I need it.
How many aquariums do you currently own? 9 if you count all the betta tanks.
How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)? (Average required time per tank please) 15g -- 2 hours. 10g -- 1 hour, but it's a betta spawn tank right now. Betta tanks -- 3 hours for all 7.
How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium? About 5..
If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Coldwater Marine, Tropical Marine? Freshwater tropical, I don't know enough about marine..
What is your favourite tropical fish?
Betta Splendens

How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish?

How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment?

What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase?

How many aquariums do you currently own?
4 tanks (including Betta Tanks)

How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)? (Average required time per tank please)
1 hour

How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium?
1 hour

If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Colwater Marine, Tropical Marine?
Freshwater Tropical
What is your favourite tropical fish? Bala Sharks
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish? Up to $30 ea
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment? UP TO $300
What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase? 100 gal.+
How many aquariums do you currently own? 2 (one empty, for now)
How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)? (Average required time per tank please ) 1 hour a day
How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium? During commercials, at least 10 hrs a week.

If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Colwater Marine, Tropical Marine? Freshwater tropical.

1- Delhezi Bichir
2-75$ at the most
3- Up to 1000$ depending on size
5- 3
6- around 1.5 hours a week.
7- 15 minimum
8- tropical marine
What is your favourite tropical fish?Angelfish

How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish? £10

How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment? i have paid £180 for one but depends on the size.

What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase? 4 foot

How many aquariums do you currently own? 3

How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)? (Average required time per tank please ) main tank 1 hour, 2nd tank half hour, 3rd tank 20 minutes

How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium? 2 hours

If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Colwater Marine, Tropical Marine? cichlids
What is your favourite tropical fish?
Loads of favourites! synodontis angelicus, paratilapia polleni, eleotris vitatta, kribs etc etc.
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish?
Depends on the fish but I have spent £45.00 on one fish, would be prepared to spend more but it would have to be extremely special.
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment?
This would depend on the stock, age of the equipment, size etc.
What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase?
30" as this is what most of the tanks i have on my racking are.
How many aquariums do you currently own?
set up and running 28, 16 others not set up yet.
How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)? (Average required time per tank please )
approx 12hrs per week, on average 45mins approx each tank.
How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium?
approx 20hrs.
If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Colwater Marine, Tropical Marine?
Freshwater tropical every time!
What is your favourite tropical fish? Blue Rams or Killifish (they're all beautiful)

How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish? 20.00

How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment? up to $500

What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase? The bigger the better, at least 90 gallons.

How many aquariums do you currently own? 4. On 29 gallon set up, 1 90 gallon with a bearded dragon, 1 60ish gallon empty, 1 20 gallon empty.

How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)? 3 hours

How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium? 5 hours

If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Freshwater tropical (In my dreams I'd have saltwater, but it's too expensive and confusing.)
What is your favourite tropical fish?
- Pearl gourami

How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish?
- Well that's difficult as I'd probably pay anything if it were something realy special that I realy wanted. For your average fish, probably about 20 max.

How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment?
- 300 at the moment

What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase?
- 55 gallon is my next purchase :p Otherwise, 20-30 gallon tanks

How many aquariums do you currently own?
- between 4 and 7 depending on whether or not I am breeding fish etc. 4 are permanently filled ;)

How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)?
(Average required time per tank please )
- 1/2 hour per tank per week

How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium?
- At least 10 hours (I'm sure I watch the fish at least 1/2 an hour during feeding and an hour or so during TV commercials etc everyday - so that adds up to quite a bit)

If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Colwater Marine, Tropical Marine?
- tropical freshwater but I'd like to someday have brackish and coldwater marine (when I can afford much bigger tanks to make it worthwhile)
What is your favourite tropical fish?
I like swordtails
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish?
Not a lot... maybe $8 US
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment?
$150 US
What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase?
30 gallon
How many aquariums do you currently own?
How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)? (Average required time per tank please )
3 hours
How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium?
5 hours.... I love watching my fish!!
If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Colwater Marine, Tropical Marine?
Freshwater Tropical

Good luck with your project!!!
My favourite tropical fish are bettas (betta splendens)
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for one single fish? On my low budget, probably $5 max.
How much are/ would you be prepared to pay for an aquarium, stocked with equipment? $175 max
What size aquarium is it most reasonable/ likely you would purchase? In the near future, the largest aquarium Ill buy when im living with my parents still would be a 2.5 gallon.
How many aquariums do you currently own? One, a 10 gallon.
How much time per week do you spend maintaing the aquarium(s)? Maybe 2 hours.
How much time per week do you spend watching the aquarium? hour unless one of my fish are sick. So put me down for an hour and a half.
If you could have only one which of the following set-ups would you prefer? Coldwater, Freshwater Tropical, Cichlids, Brackish, Colwater Marine, Tropical Marine?
Freshwater Tropical
Hope all the info helps. What is the project exactly? How goofy we all are for the money and time we spend?
1 roseline shark
2 I have paid $30.oo but If I really wanted it 50
3 400-500
4 over 150 gal
5 3
6 1- 2 hr main tank 45 min the rest on the other 2
7 8 -9 ( stay at home mom with 2 kids many reasons to look )
8 trop marine

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