Skinny clown loach


Fish Herder
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 30, 2021
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I purchased two small clown loaches from wetspot approx 6 weeks ago. One of them is doing fine and has put on a lot of weight but the other has gotten skinner and his side spines are beginning to show. I'm not convince he is eating a lot as I've watched him when i feed the fishes. Question is should i do anything for him or just let nature take its course. Ok some details:
The tank is a 120 and there are other clown loaches in the tank (but he mostly hangs out with the other one); he is definitely very weak. I mentioned the place of purchase because they have told me they qt and treat all fishes for 2 weeks before selling (can't say factually this is true). The water is kh 3 gh 7 tds around 140 temp 82 (summer). The other fishes are doing fine. I could try to fish him out and move him to another tank but not sure it would help a lot and not 100% sure I can snag him given the tank size and plantings. The only thing i can think of if i were to snag him is to try an epson salt treatment in a pail and try feeding him some bbs. Current food consist of omega-one flakes for the angles (mostly salmon) which the larger loaches snuff up like a vacuum cleaner; omega-one catfish pellet hiraki sinking pellets some nls pellets (which has garlic; but i doubt he eats it); zuc for the l204 (sometimes the larger clown loaches will chow it down) and a bit of rasphery soilent green. The various pellets i rotate through a couple of the angels aren't pellet trained and demand flakes.
What does the fish's poop look like?
Is the fish breathing more heavily than the others?

Deworm the fish. See section 3 of the following link for deworming fish.
I don't know what the poop looks like the tank is a 120 and finding his poop is impossible. I don't think it is worms he just doesn't seem to be eating. He looks around for food but then seems to just skip it when he finds it. To examine his poop i would have to isolate him in a 5 gallon pail. I can do it maybe not sure i can catch him in the tank - there are a lot of hiding places. His breathing seems normal he just seems week which would make sense if he isn't eating for 6 weeks.

What would you suggest for a clown loach ?
Can you get a photo of the afflicted fish?
I'll try again tomorrow. When i tried today he scooted off. Now the tank lights are off. He tends to hang out with the other one and i would say he is about 1/2 weight now (they were nearly the same size when purchased). The other one has grown quite a bit. At first I thought he was just a little smaller so growing a bit slower but now i'm pretty concern. I've read about 'skinny' disease but not sure this is the case.
Yeah, I had some cories like this (skinny disease - all head and eyes, concave sides), I tried deworming meds and anti-internal bacteria meds but I didn't get the right meds or diagnosis in time and they died. Maybe a photo would show something up so he can be helped. Fingers crossed for him.
requested pictures:

I don't think these pictures help much. The larger loach is actually a small loach i purchased at the same time as the skinny one. It looks really large next to it but that shows just how much he has shrunk since they were at one point nearly the same size.

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