

New Member
Nov 2, 2007
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Hey everyone, I have one of thos Fission nano skimmers running in the back of my 24g aquapod and lately I have heard that they are terrible... so im wondering what you all have for skimming in your tanks? Id like it to be hidden.... Any suggestions?

I just read a few reviews on the Tunze nano skimmer and people say it doesnt fit the auqapod24, people say that they cant close the lid. Although I have my lid propped open about an inch in front, im afraid it wont be enough to keep the skimmer in the back properly.

Im looking at maybe the seaclone 100 now. I think I may be able to cut out a section of the plastic lid in the back for the tubing to go to the pump inside the back chamber leaving the skimmer to hang on the back of the aquapod.

I'll have to plan it more to be sure it will work.

What you guys think of Seaclone 100 skimmers? any good?
Seaclone 100's are not good at all, they can work if heavily modified, but whats the point?
Well I have until x-mas to find the right skimmer. Im gonna buy myself a nice new one as my x-mas present. So I have time to find a good one that will fit and be out of sight.

You guys have any suggestions for some good hang on skimmers? Its so hard to decide let alone knowing if its any good or not... haha
There is a nice looking new deltec mce300 that is in the shops now
We use 2 x MCE 600's and think they are pretty good

Ok I did a little more looking around and found one that might work perfect with my setup. Im just hoping that it isnt junk...

Its the Bak-Pak 2 skimmer by CPR.

It looks like it would be able to hang on the left back side of my aquapod 24. The pump is on the right side of the Bak-Pak2 and the return spout is on the left. If Im thinking correctly then I should be able to hang it so that the pump is dipping into the back chamber, where the other main pump is located/hidden, and the return spout will be positioned inside the main tank right next to the original flow heads on the back wall.

(My flow heads are on the left side of my aquapod and the intake is on the right... Ive seen some aquapods that are the opposite)

Anyways, what you guys and gals think? Is CPR a good brand and has anyone had any experience with Bak-Pak2 skimmers?

Thanks again!! ~

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