Skimmer Questions Again


Fish Crazy
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
Plymouth UK
Hi guys,

Before I start I'm in the UK and the tank is 70L or 18USG whichever money you prefer.;)

OK the original plan was not to skim but it is becoming more apparent that there is a need. I have a small internal, air powered skimmer in there at the moment but it's not doing a good job and takes up loads of room. As it was only ever a temporary solution I wasn't worried about it. :rolleyes:

Now it's time for a permanent solution and I've narrowed it down to 2 possibilities both less than £80. The 2 models I'm looking at are the Red Sea Prizm Deluxe (the model with the surface skimmer and media basket) or the V2-skim 400. They both have pro's and con's and can't decide which way to go. Before I get the generic Prizm skimmers suck please bear in mind the size of the tank. The prizm is also less intruding as the pump and return are both out of the tank whereas the V2 would have the powerhead and the bubble trap invading the tank and taking up space. :S

Any other solutions considered it would need to be external or hang-on.

Thanks in advance

I have the TMC v2 400 and it does a pretty good job i can get a full cup every 4-6 days. Although the powerhead is quite big you can always try to hide it behind you rock stack (just make sure you can get to it as it will ned maintenance) and the bubblestop thingy doesnt really take up so much space and in like 6 months will probably be covered with coraline algae so will look quite nice :good:

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