Skimmer Help Please


New Member
Mar 1, 2007
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hi ya guys i got a 4ft x2ft tank
and i have got a ehiem 2227 wet and dry filter but i dont no what skimmer is the best to use with this filter

can any one help please :unsure:

also i have minimum space were i can hang the skimmer on the back of the tank

hope u can help :good:
just so u no i am very limited to hanging the skimmer on the outside of the tank i only have 3" wide as the hood gets in the way and theres no way of cutting the hood

can i use a delta mce 6oo and sit it inside the tank
i dont really want to use a sump due to the tank being really old and i could crack the tank while drilling
many thanks hear from u soon

can some one please reply
hey bud, its the deltec mce 500 that you can use in your tank. probably the best internal skimmer out there
is there a sill around the inside of the top of the tank? You could maybe try a tunze internal skimmer.

hi ya guys thanks for replying

there is a sill around the tank inside which also limits yer to what u can have which is a pain :angry:

guys what about the tmc v2 skimmer have herd good things about tht but i dont no i u can use that inside a tank

also guys i have a ehiem 2227 wet nd dry filter which i heard aint very good and ht skimmer dont really go with this skimmer
due to the problems the filter causes?

what do u guys think :unsure:

hear from u guys soon thanks :good:
Hiya I have a TMC v2 skimmer. I think they can be used inside a tank but they are pretty bulky and the bubble trap is rubbish. I have mine HOB and I still had to cut 8" off my hood to fit it. One of the best skimmers available in the UK for the price though IMO. Does a great job. The major downside is that the skimmer cup doesn't come off to clean so I have to suck the skimmate out with a syringe.
thanks guys
but what u guys think of the ehiem 2227 wet and dry filter?
The eheim wet dry filters are a great piece of kit if you are that one in 2 billion person who can actually set them up right. Even the Eheim Rep covering Essex can't set one up right and had to phone Germany for help when showing an lfs near me.

I tried a 2227 and within a month I took it back. If you can get it to work, fair play to you and it will do a really good job (just remember to keep up the maintenance to prevent it becoming a nitrate trap), if not, just use it for flow if possible and rely mostly on LR for the filtration.

I have to echo with Bunjiweb here and say that if you can, go for a Tunze skimmer. I know people who have had Deltec and then moved to Tunze and found the Tunze knocks socks of the Deltec. Also, the Tunze skimmers are not too large considering the job they do (useful if being run internally).

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