Skimmer Has Arrived.... Now What?

petey Z

Fish Crazy
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
westport, CT
alright so my skimmer arrived today and i set it up. Its the corallife super skimmer (up to 65 gallons), its in my sump right now. Now im wondering when will it start producing the foam? Right now its just bubbling and not overflowing into the collection cup. It said that i needed to dry run it for 48-72 hours. Whats that mean? Just let it run??

thanks for any advice.

Let it run. Just like the instrucions said. It will take a while to accumulate foam.
Protien skimmers need to break in when new. Set the dial on the lowest setting for three days. then slowly start turning it up until the bubbles get to where the neck tapers down. This is the best setting on the coralifes. Are you running just the cup or a drain line? I have the two larger models so I don't remember if the small one even has the drain option. If you are using the drain line keep a watchful eye on the skimmer. Mine has surprised me a couple times now and flooded my collection jug. Not too big a deal though since its on concrete, but it could be.
day 4 an still no foam or anything, should i be worried??

it did say 48-72 hours, but its been longer then that

i followed all instructions


anyone, any information?
I have the exact one and for the first week it did almost nothing, it took me sooooo long to get it right, just give it time. I thought mine was broke or sumthing to. Once u get it working right u wont believe the stuff it takes out of ur tannk.

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