Skimmer And Hob Fuge?


Apr 15, 2007
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South coast uk
Ok tank finally fully settled after moving last year, as part of that process I added a HOB fugue to combat an ongoing green algae issue and kept my V2 skimmer running as well, as time has progressed the skimmer is taking out less and less to the point I am considering taking it out (and keeping just in case I need it later)

my question is do I need to run the skimmer a the HOB fuge is working or am I better to just turn it off and leave it in place?
Ok tank finally fully settled after moving last year, as part of that process I added a HOB fugue to combat an ongoing green algae issue and kept my V2 skimmer running as well, as time has progressed the skimmer is taking out less and less to the point I am considering taking it out (and keeping just in case I need it later)

my question is do I need to run the skimmer a the HOB fuge is working or am I better to just turn it off and leave it in place?

I personally would leave the skimmer on mate. But if it isn't pulling much out then why not have it on a timer so it can run for certain period/s throughout the day.

Any chance of a pic of your HOB refugium mate as I'm really interested in these!

Kind of torn with keeping skimmer in/on the tank as the pump is quite large my only concern with leavingmit in and not running is that it will eventually seaze up in there but if I take it out the space will get filled by something else

Will see if I can get any pics of it for you, little difficult as I made a black plastic case to cover it rather than paint it so best to remove it all then take pics which can be a little difficult, only real downsid pe with them is the permanent light on but does the job well takes a while to fully kick in but worth it if your tight for space like I was

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