Skimmer 55 Gal


New Member
Dec 1, 2003
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Chicago, IL
I have been reading allot on skimmers. I am not sure what type to get. I have a 55 gal that I am converting into a FOWLR tank. I will probably not go the sump route and was wondering what is important to look for. I do not want to have bubble problems. In my readings this seems to be a regular problem.

Thanks for your help.

You should really consider the sump route. AquaC Remora has a good reputation for hang on's but they are largish. Then again, any hang on is going to be largish which is why you ought to think sump.
deltec make a good hang on model i think its called the mce600.
Thanks for your comments. I am intimidated by the wole sump idea. I have read several DIY articles and none make sense. I currently have a 10 gallon tank laying around. Is this too small???

Also I will not be drilling any holes. Can you still do a sump w/o drilling??

Also what is this I am reading about bubbles.

Yes, a 10 gallon tank is probably too small. You can get a sump in place without drilling, however, if you hang it on the back of the tank. I dunno about how that works, though, since mine is on the bottom and drilled.
You can use a rubbermaid tub -- a solid one -- many do. Cheap and come in all sizes.

I have a hang-on-back overflow with a U-tube siphon, and pvc plumbing to the sump tank. Very reliable. You'd want one rated to about 500-700GPH then get a Mag5 or Mag7 return pump to match whichever rate.

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