Skiltrip's New Tank


Jun 16, 2003
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I just put together a 37Gal freshwater tank a few weeks ago.

Currently it houses...

4 Tiger Barbs
3 Ozola Barbs (tiger barilius)
2 Rosy Barbs
2 Bleeding Heart Tetras.

- Kip
nice tank very clear how long has it been running? also it looks like you have two heaters is that right or is one of them a filter tube. anyways looks wonder full good job :alien:
Thanks for the compliments. it's been running 2 or 3 weeks. not long at all. i only have one heater, you're right, that other tube is my powerfilter tube. i got one of those Ebo-Jager heaters. lord is that thing consistent. i haven't seen the temp move a hair since i plugged it in.

I feel like, decoration-wise it's a little empty, what do you think? what kind of decorations would make the fish happy?

Maybe a nice background picture. That will automatically make it look more full. Slate looks good as well.
It looks very nice M8, keep up the good work on it. and I would defiantely add some sort of back groud. they really round a tank out nicely
i'd like a pretty plain sort of background. no crazy ocean scene or anything, you think a solid blue kinda thing is nice? perhaps black? i don't know what would look best

- kip
They have a background called deep blue sea. You may like that. It is darker on the bottom than on the top. A gradual lightening, but not too much.

One comment I had for you is that appearance wise, I put my thermostat on the top right of my fish tank, but I stick it on the side wall not the front one. I think it would look better that way. Mine is the same as yours and very easy to read like that. Just thought I would throw that suggestion out to you.

Looks pretty good. Your fish would love a slate cave or for a long project buy some pvc that is big enough for your fish to swim through easily. I have 3" PVC. (You can get curved PVC to put in the corner of your tank) and you could silicone gravel and slate to that. I have one in my fish tank and I like it. Buy aquarium safe silicon though. Make sure to do a search here on slate and bogwood if you want to go that way. Some measures need to be taken with certain materials.

Lastly, if you did want slate, look in a phone book for a local rock place. We have tons of them around here as there is lots of mountains, rocks and granite and I got my slate for free. Don't know how much a LFS would sell them for, but a lumber store or someplace like that is bound to sell them for cheaper than a fish shop. Well, that is all. Good luck with your tank.
Well on your way to TOTM for July, from what I can see. Give us more picks after you've put in the background and such. Very pretty tank!

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