Sizes in 6 months


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2004
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Sutton Coldfield / West Midlands / England / UK
Ok i know the tak size needed for the fish i`m thinking of when they get 2 adult size i also know about their agressive natures.

But what i am really wondering is how fast these fish grow within 6 months

a aproximate size to work from is next to the fish
(just need a rough estimate of a size in 6 months time)

FISH--------------APROX SIZE----------SIZE IN 6 MONTHS

Tiger Oscar-------------3"------------------------??
Albino Oscar------------3"------------------------??
jack demsey------------2"------------------------??
red parrot---------------3"------------------------??
green terror-------------2"------------------------??

dont worry before anyone may jump to conclusions they arnt all going in the same tank lol and i very much doubt i`ll get them all either just really need to know an approxamate size from those sizes given for around 6 months time so i can decide which to get and which to leave untill a future point.

Many thanks in advance to anyone kind enough to post sizes

Richard :)
semper fi said:
oscars = 16"
jag = 16"
dempsey = 10"
convict = 5"
severum = 8"
green terror = 8"
acara = 6-8"
whoa those estimates seem way to high, ive raised just about all of these fish in 150 gallon and none reached those sizes in thta short period of a time.

an oscar will not be 16 inches in 6 months and neither willa jag.

id say like this

oscar 6-8
jag 6-8
dempsey 5
convict 5
severum(takes long time to grow) 6
green terror(takes long time to grow) 5
acara 5-6
sorry missed the 6 month mark. those are adult size. how quickly one grows depends on other factors, like temp and diet.
just a side note to this as semper stated alot has to do with temp and diet. an interesting study by two hobbiests not by somebody that we will never hear from. they each bought 3 umbies from Jeff Rapps at the same time got them on the same day. the only differences are that one raised his up in smaller tanks and progressivly moved them up while the other kept his in the tank that an adult male would need. at end of 6 months the fish were of identicle size. in the end I suppose if you want to stock a fish room like it sounds like you want to do just keep the temp a bit lower around 76 degrees and that should help slow the growth down but not stunt them as long as a good diet is provided

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