Size of tank - how many fish?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Hull, East Yorkshire, UK
Hi - I have just been given a small tank (12 inches deep, 24 inches long, 12 inches high).

Bit ignorant here - how many litres would this be? And gallons?

How many fish could I comfortably have (from reading some of the postings, I assume that there is a maximum of xxx inches of fish per tank, depending on the size of the tank). Looking at normal tropical fish here - tetras, etc.

Hope you can help!
Volume of Air = Liters 56.63 US Gallons 14.95

Small fish (2.5cm) 20 no others or
Medium fish (5cm) 8 no others or
Large fish (10cm) 3 no others

based on on 0.9cm of fish per liter for small fish, 0.74cm of fish per liter for medium fish and 0.58cm of fish per liter for large fish.
Thanks for the reply!
Good to know some people can be technical this early in the morning - I need a few cups of coffee first!

Is there a formulae for working out volume (gallons/litres) etc?
A simple rule is 1 inch of fish (without fins) per gallon

of course, don't keep a 15 inch fish in a 15 gallon tank... :p
However, I'd call that 'rule' more of a guideline :p 'Messiness', water temperature, filtration, maintainance, aggression, territoriality, water displaced by plants/ornaments, feeding, general behaviour such as activity levels and compatibility are just some of the things that can effect this. Also remember to RESEARCH all species you want to buy and make sure they will get along together and have similar requirements. ALWAYS use the adult size of a species when deciding whether it will be ok in your tank. Keep in mind that all fish start out small but can get very VERY large - even common species that are considered good for home aquariums like common plecos, clown loaches and bala sharks get way too large fo your typical aquarium.
Thanks for the replies - I've already made the mistake of getting a common plec for my other tank, but this is the biggest (12/13 inch) mistake I've ever made!

I'm looking for a good home for him if anyone is interested.....

I have learnt my lesson though, and now look at the possible size of the fish in question.
Don't worry :) many of us have done that too - LFSs simply don't inform customers about the potential size of the fish they are buying.

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