Size of Fish!!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 10, 2004
Reaction score
Houston, texas
Hey guys i have read that some fish can grow really big depending on the size of the tank. I have 16 black mollie babies. I have read on different sites on the internet that some mollies can grow up to 3 inches and in other sites that they can grow up to 6 inches depending on the size of the tank. My questions are if i put my babies in my 46 gallon (right now they are in a 10 gallon they are only 2 weeks old) how big will they grow. Also in my 46 gallon i have one female mollie so i would like to move the babies there but how long do i have to wait for them to grow so that the female mollie will not be able to eat them. As i said earlier they are only 2 weeks old. Any help is great . Thax.
Its hard to say what the exact size will be but GENERALLY, the ones raised in the larger tank will be bigger. Case in example.

I have bristlenose catfish fry....some are in the 6gal, some are in the 30 gal, some are in the 75gal...Those in the 75gal are the largest those in the 6gal are the smallest....

The bigger tank the fry has to grow up in the healthier and stronger they will be
Keeping large fish in a small tank will stunt their growth, but their internal organs will still grow to the normal size. This means that the fish will die prematurely and probably have health problems.

You can put the mollie fry in with their mother when they get too big to fit in her mouth - about another couple of weeks.

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