Size Doesn't Matter


Fish Herder
Apr 19, 2003
Reaction score
Calgary Canada
Thought y'all might enjoy a couple shots of my little Dwarf puffers showing just how ambitious they are when it comes to feeding. One persistant little fella stalked the snail for a good 30 mins before takin a bite....I thought he was going to get squished when the door snapped shut, but they are quick little beggers.

Jackpot....all for me :D


Hey, who slammed the door :huh:



Well appearently we are not allowed to post images in this forum anymore so I will have to share elsewhere!

Edit 2: Ok looks like the prohaabition is only on certain sites...good thing I keep pics on multiple hosting sites :D
I would love to see your pictures but they aren't appearing..
Heh heh Mine do the same thing. Its very cute how if they manage to snag a bite they spend a secound to 'parade' it past the others.

"looks at me look at me"

Then they spend infinate time on 'guard' patrol. To bad they don't have much patients , they would probally get further!
:lol: :lol: ...they do act like little kids sometimes don't they :lol: :lol: favorite is when one grabs onto one of the larger pond snails and swims around the tank with a shell on it's head like a little helmet until it can finally rip the meat free and fling the shell accross the tank :rofl:

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