Six Blue Gouramis In A 68 Gallon?

Jun 26, 2006
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Hi all. I just bought a 68 gallon aquarium, and I was thinking of stocking with just an oscar, but I am considering a different setup with just 6 gouramis- 3 3-spot-gouramis, and 3 opaline gouramis. I know that males might get territorial with each other, but I also would be very understocked space-wise (right?). In all honesty, I don't want a planted tank. I was planning on black sand, a black background, some black slate or other large black rock, and a large piece of driftwood. Would this setup work for 6 gourami?
In terms of space you are ok with 6 gouramis. but as they are territorial, you need to have enough hiding places so each one can delimit their own space. You don't need to have real plants, but maybe some fake ones, and some more rocks should be considered.
I really don't like the look of plants, but I will see about incorporating more driftwood and rock formations, and see if I can create enough hiding places. I was really wanting to go for a very simplistic look with this tank, but if I can't get it comfortable for the fish, I will go on to a different idea.

Thank you for the feedback. :good:
I have 5 Blue Gouramis in my 29 Gallon heavily planted tank and they're doing great. There's 2 males and 3 females and they like to chase each other after I feed them. :)

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