Siphoning - Dangerous?


Dec 18, 2011
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Rowley Regis near Birmingham UK
Did I read on one posting that sucking at the tube to start the siphoning process can be dangerous in terms of catching disease. I've alway done this and rarely get water in my mouth, but wondered if I should not do it? Any thoughts? Happy Christmas by the way!!!!
I agree. There's probably a very small chance, but like many dangers in this world, it happens to one person and then it's blown out of all proportion. The human body is alot more resilient than most people give it credit for.
Did I read on one posting that sucking at the tube to start the siphoning process can be dangerous in terms of catching disease.

You don't really need to suck the tube to start the siphoning.
Just lower the siphon in the fish tank to fill it with water. Keep your finger at the other end that is in the bucket and don't release it for now. Then once the siphon part is filled, move it up above the water level with the opening up, so all the air from the it comes out and water starts filling the tube all the way down to your finger which is still on the other end. Then lower the siphon back in the bucket with the opening down. Wait until it fills with water and then press it against the gravel as deep as you can. Now release your finger from the tube in the bucket :lol:
I wouldn't personally suck the end of the tube to start the syphon as I use a hose pipe to do water changes, and it's been in all sorts of horrible places!

I agree though that the chances of catching anything are pretty slim, although there's no need to take the risk if it is convenient to start the syphon in a different way.
What other way is there to start a siphon though? I know some of them have that self-start thing where you move it up and down but I can't imagine that'd be very pleasant for the fish.
Lmao this post is not meant to sound dirty lol but I use a hose pipe (I did buy it new and washed it) and give it 1 suck and it starts emptying lol I'd rather do it that way than spend money if I don't need to lol you know the credit crunch is on lmao
My hose is quite long, you squeeze to get it going and it gets allot of suction, :crazy: :lol:

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