Sinking Tetras!


New Member
Jun 8, 2006
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hey guys... not TOO long ago i bought 6 tetras

3 neon + 3 glow light

it was actually abou 1 or 2 months ago... anyway
when i put these fish into my fish tank they went to the bottom and have stayed there for a long long time
they are'nt directly on the bottom heres a picture to show you where they float...


n e wai...i dont kno if where they are floating is normal :( the reason i am scared is because..the only time they com up is for food..and of them use to speed around the at the very top..really fast...and he recently died!! and now another one has taken its place and is peeding around the tank.....

thankyou for ANY help you can give me...
From looking at the picture it doesn't look as though you have alot of cover from plants. Tetras like to feel secure so add a few more plants in there. Tall at the back, middle in the middle and small at the front.
From looking at the picture it doesn't look as though you have alot of cover from plants. Tetras like to feel secure so add a few more plants in there. Tall at the back, middle in the middle and small at the front.

ur right..i actually only hav 2 :( i was wonderin if n e 1 knows how 2 breed tetras
or how 2 tell the diff between male n female?

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