Red colored plants are more light needy than the green plants are. Weather or not you need to get a different light/ hood set up will depend on a lot of factors with your tank. Things like substrait (you have something like laterite under the gravel for the plants to get some nutrients from), type of plants you have (some plants can do well in low light such as Java fern while others need more light like some of the crypts). Fish will be a factor (if they are plant eating fish you will want the plants to grow faster so they don't look all eaten and nasty). CO2, plant ferts, water changes and some other stuff will all play a part in what you need to do to make the plants grow.
There are a couple options here for ya. The first being puy a bunch of plants and put them in and see how they do. They will do good for the first few weeks as they are eating the nutirents that they have stored from the store.
The other option is to go ahead and just get a new hood and lights and call it good. But don't forget the ferts and stuff for the plants.