Single Gold Barb With Cherry Barb School.


New Member
Mar 25, 2011
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I went to my lfs today to purchase 3 female cherry barbs, to bring my stock to:
-8 cherry barbs (2 males, 6 females)
-1 dwarf blue gourami

The clerk accidentally added one gold barb to the 3 female cherry barbs: he said it'd be fine, and since I'm going back in a week to get some cardinal tetras, I figured I could bring the fish back if his optimal living conditions weren't met in my tank (35 gallon, java moss and a banana plant, hang-back filter, gravel). I have since learned that gold barbs need to be in groups of at least 5. Since I plan on getting between 9 and 12 cardinal tetras, and 1 Bolivian ram, a school of gold barbs is not an option. Should I bring him back next week, or will he school with the female cherry barbs? Has anybody had a positive experience with a single gold barb in a community tank?

Thank you,

lol ok well its good to know what their ideal conditions are so i would def bring it back if its not possible to get the 5 required for them to be happy however lol i have 2 black skirts in a big tank they will not school with the cherry barbs are they are completly different kind of fish! but mine have been happy for many months just with two and they are huge now so impressive! so in conclusion take him back :p
Agree, if you don't intend on increasing the shoal to 5-6 i would be inclined to take it back.

Thank you for your input, he won't be in the community for much longer.

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