Single Fry Can't Get Off Of The Bottom Of The Tank


Jun 30, 2005
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Washington DC
Is this a symptom of swim bladder disorder?

I just fed my fry BBS and I noticed that one of them can't seem to stay off of the bottom of the tank. S/he will swim up but then immediately falls back to the bottom of the tank. Anything I can do to help?
That's a definite sign of a weak swim bladder, but sometimes they grow out of that,or it could be from recently over eating. Do you decapsulate your brine? Is it old enough to jar?
That's a definite sign of a weak swim bladder, but sometimes they grow out of that,or it could be from recently over eating. Do you decapsulate your brine? Is it old enough to jar?

The fry hatched on Jan 1 - 2. I'm not using decapsulated brine shrimp. I'm using the SF Bay square box hatchery, and their prepackaged brine shrimp egg and salt packets. As far as over eating... I think I fed way way way too many microworms last night. Should I try to remove that fish to a shallower container? Right now it's in a 10 gallon tank that is filled close to the top.
I'm not sure :/ it depends on the circumstance. I noticed, when any of my fry over-ate and showed those signs, they eventually got over it... within a few hours.

Are you using the black box with the little clear thing on top? The shrimpery? Urgh that thing annoyed me. My Mom bought it for me (after asking her to buy the SF Bay "Hatchery"... sigh) and it just was lame, I wasted tons of eggs in there. I suggest setting up a hatchery with a 1 litre soda bottle and a bubbler, IMHO!

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