Singing Synodontis

Miss Dib Dabs

Jun 19, 2005
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Behind the shadows
Some nights ago I was doing a very late night feed. I normally feed my various catfish in various tanks just before going to bed. It was around half past midnight and I was feeding my bristlenose in my 35g, which is next to my 100gallon tank, which houses my family group of Eupterus, along with my Clarius, Alberti and two Multipunctatious. As I fed the bn's I kept hearing a strange twittering noise from my left (the location of the 100g). I finished with the bn's and went to the 100g. I could hear the twittering distinctly and assumed a bird was under the tank stand! I put my ear to the stand and couldn't hear the noise anymore. So put my ear to the tank glass. The noise was clearly coming from in the tank.
At this time many of the Eupterus were out and about (many will swim in the open even in the day now) and had no worries about me sitting next to them with my ear splatted to the glass. :lol: I decided to watch them whilst listening and it became clear that they were communicating!! It reminded me somewhat of dolphins although quieter and more twittery. I could hear changes in the speed and manner of noise along with spaces of quiet. I really was amazed by the complexity of their 'talking'. They stopped when I finally put their food in.
Since then I've heard them on a few occasions although not to the extent I did that night and never as loud.
Has anyone else had any experience of such a thing? My syno group have been together quite some time and many have grown up together from very young. :wub:
My Angelicus has a good talk when hes not happy with another fish or is trying to get to the food. Also My Euruptus like yours seem to chatter when feeding.

:lol: It's becoming more regular now, bless 'em. Glad to know I'm not the only one to have seen/hear this. I was beginning to think I was going crazy.

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