Since Everyone Else Is Doing It..


Fish Herder
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Finger Lakes, NY
I may as well post photos of my boys. :D My apologies to anyone with dialup!!

I tried the best I could with my terrible photography "skills" and a camera that kept shutting off because the batteries were dying and I didn't have any others! So here's what I got.


Crayola's tank:

Donatello. This photo totally doesn't do him justice but it's the best I could get of him. Little stinker wouldn't stay still even for a split second!

Hawaii. My handsomest boy. :wub:

His tank:

Leonardo, the littlest betta who flares at everything and think's he's a big tough guy:

My little Tie. :wub: He's the sweetheart of the bunch. Doesn't flare at anyone and hates mirrors.

These next two I don't have anymore. :(

Teenage Mutant Ninja Betta. I called him Ninja. He was my first ever. I rescued him from a tank at WalMart jammed full of goldfish. He had fin rot really bad (practically his whole tail was gone) and some fungus growing on him.

Betta Than You. My second betta who died shortly after Ninja from dropsy. :(

Thanks for looking everyone.
wow that leonard is something special i love his coloring

im trying to find one like that myself

i have a recomendation tho

in the pic i could see your whole tank and you have alot of gravel

it would be better if you only used aabout an inch or two of gravel

not only bc (i think) it looks better but also bc its better for your fishes health

but other than that i love your bettas

Hawaii has a very nice tail, also I like the CT! All your fish are nice and they look like they have nice big homes that are well equipt, your a good fish keeper! :)
Thanks for the suggestion. :) It didn't have that mush gravel until just recently because I had some left over and had nowhere else to put it, and would have felt guilty tossing it in the garbage. I agree there's too much though and will be taking some out soon.

Hawaii has a very nice tail, also I like the CT! All your fish are nice and they look like they have nice big homes that are well equipt, your a good fish keeper! :)
Aww why thank you. :flowers:
Thanks for the suggestion. :) It didn't have that mush gravel until just recently because I had some left over and had nowhere else to put it, and would have felt guilty tossing it in the garbage. I agree there's too much though and will be taking some out soon.

Ooh, I have an idea for where to use that extra gravel...get another aquarium and another betta!

Ps. I LOVE the name Crayola...I may have to steal it from you.... ;)
Thanks everyone! :D

Ooh, I have an idea for where to use that extra gravel...get another aquarium and another betta!
lol! That's the plan. ;) Actually I still have a section left in the divided 10 gallon for the next betta I fall in love with, and an empty 10 gallon that's just screaming "bettaaaas" but my dresser's got zero room left and so I need to save up for a stand.

Ps. I LOVE the name Crayola...I may have to steal it from you.... ;)
Steal it with permission then because I don't mind. :)
I have to agree with you. Hawaii is beuatiful! He was just like my plakat. Except with mine had short fins. Otherwise, sorry for your losses.

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