Simple question


New Member
Mar 18, 2005
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Vancouver, BC
How often do most people feed there tropical fresh water fish? I was feeding mine twice a day and the guy at the pet store suggested thats where I'm getting traces of ammonia. that and I added too many fish right away without doing full cycle. He thinks only feeding every second day just once would fix my problem. I'd like a second opinion please. Also what is the main benifit of having lots of plants in your aquarim cause I have alot of them lol.
I feed my cichlids twice a day. I would consider this the heavy end of safe, providing they are only fed what they can eat in 2 or 3 minutes (leftovers removed, if any) and a regular water maintenance plan is kept.

I chose to feed heavy because my cichlids are small and I want to encourage their growth. As adults I will (and would suggest) backing off to once a day.

Plants do help remove Nitrates from the water… and there are a lot of other people here that can tell ya a lot more detail… but plants are a good thing!
definitely reduce the level of feeding if your tank is not fully cycled yet. it sounds like you've got a good fish guy; i'd listen to him on this subject.
ruffneck, as eveyone one has said, a reduction in feedings will help lower waste. The reason I am chiming in is to help explain fully why the reduced feedings will help.

The amount of food taken in by the fish is directly proportional to the amount of waste that fish will produce. Right now, with a not-completely-cycled tank, you want as little fish waste produced as possible. So, this is why cutting down your feedings will help keep the levels of pollution low in your tank. Eventually, when cycled you can go back to feeding twice a day -- if you purchase a test kit, you will be able to see what state your cycle is in on your own without having to take your water to the fish store.

The main benefit of the plants is two-fold. Firstly, fish like to have places to hide. The contradictory behavior of fish is that they will tend to come out to be seen in the front of the tank if there are many places to hide. Remember, virtually all our aquarium fish are fairly low on the food chain, so their instinct is to spend most of their lives in constant fear of predation. This is where the hidey holes come in. If the fish knows that there are numerous places to hide in an instant, they will be more willing to come out -- safety is just a few flicks of the tail away.

Secondly, live plants are nitrogen waste uptakers. Plants will take up ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate -- exactly the products of the cycle. So, mainly, live plants will significantly help keep the pollution levels lower in your tank. Some people find keeping live plants tricky, so if you have plastic plants, they will do the hiding places job nicely and you don't have to worry about them dying off. Though obviously, you dont get the pollution control ability with plastic plants.
3 four times a day, this way I get to see them being much more active but the don't get alot of food, It depends largely on what kind of fish you have, but the stores inttent was to reduce waste for a safer cycle the much more effective way of doing this is to do watter changes
How often you should feed your fish varies with the species kept. Grazing fish like Mbuna Cichlids which would browse over algea covered rocks all day should be fed small ammounts at least twice a day since their guts are not designed for taking in large ammounts of food at once, the same goes for tiny little fish like Tetras, Corydoras and Guppies which in the wild would feed all day on microscopic foods present in the water. Larger and predatory fish like most new world Cichlids, catfish and fish eating Characins etc should only be fed once every two or three days since their guts are designed to take in a single large meal and then take a few days to digest it.
On the whole most tropical fish only need to be fed once a day and should only be given what will be completely consumed in a couple of minutes. Remember more fish are killed by over feeding than fish starve to death from under feeding.
once a day but sometimesif a put abit much in once every 2 days! in the livebearer tank
in the 275+gal 2wice a day if flakes..once every 2 dayys they get live food

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