Simple Instuctions For A Marine Newbie Pls!


May 14, 2008
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Gloucester, UK
Hi all,

Right, Im back to fishkeeping, so bought myself a 2ft 60ish litre tank. Its all set up for tropical, and is cycling, but my boyf keeps nagging me to go marine. I must make it clear, I have no money or time, so it needs to be simple!

I was thinking of fake LR, and using the Fluval 2+ that Ive got for filtration. No skimmer or anything fancy. I will get coral sand to help buffer the water. Im planning on just using tap water instead of RO as its such a small amount so isnt worth buying a unit.

Just to make it clear, we wont be having corals. Just a CUC, fire shrimp, and possibly one or two small fish (clowns/gobys etc). But its mainly going to be crabs/shrimp etc.

Am I walking into disaster :p
no not at all

fake lr will cost probs more than real lr (if you get the lr from a reef breakdown)tbh so id go with lr in tank (doesnt have to be alot can be a little amount)

then in the filter have lr rubble as sponges will become a nitrate factory

and using tap water will be fine

use arognite sand not live sand as live sand costs too much and is bull any way

the standard lights will be fine

hope that helped
A-mazing! Thanks Bae! So really honestly truely its tropical with salt bunged in?!!! Obv no corals, but just fish?! Yey, how exciting!
alot of people will say no but i have heard and will say my self its as easy as tropical imho

as long as you take all the proper procedures youll be fine
have a look at my journal if you want as I set up a similar size tank as marine a month ago and got two clowns yesterday

I;ve got corals but thats what I;m hoping to get into in more tanks

I got live rock cost me £50 off a reef breakdown and seems to be working a treat

good luck
I would not use tap water myself as water quality is paramount some people have used it with great success but I would not recomend for a starter the cheapest solution is to but RO or Salted water from your LFS.

LR can easily be bought second hand for about £5 a kilo I would think you need a circulation pump as well Koralia are a good option the Koralia 1 would be more than enough.

You can run without a skimmer but you will need to do weekly %20 water changes

Skimmers can be purchased quite cheaply and added in the future

What do you have for lighting?

I just spotted you live near me, South West Marines in Bristol supply Saltwater and are always happy to help

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