Silver Tipped Tetra


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2003
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I have four gouramis in a 55 gallon planted tank. 2 of them are gold gouramis. The other two are the same size as the golds but I have no ID yet. Will they be ok with them?
i'm not sure i've got gouramis and silver tip tetras but i think they are dwarf
Not sure about golds, I had 8 silver tips tetras with a dwarf gourami in a 29g, though, and they pretty much ignored each other. Your results may vary.
Hasemania nana, the Silver Tip, in a group 6 or more generally is okay with other fish. They are not likely to take any hassle though and will freely nip at larger fish if they feel so inclined. They are not as openly aggressive as say Serpæ but certainly are not a quiet retiring little blossom.

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