Silver-tipped Shark


New Member
Oct 18, 2005
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Hey everyone...Just wondering if anyone can help me. I went to the petstore and got some fish that the petstore people told me would live together ok. I got 4 Platy's (2 solid black and 2 orange and black) and a silver tipped shark. :sad: I noticed that the shark wasn't eating as he should. And this morning he was dead. I have found online that they are naturally a brackish water species but can adapt to freshwater. In the petstore they said he was freshwater. I want to attempt *later when i can afford a bigger tank for him to grow into* to get another one and try him in braskish water. Is there anything I can do to make it eat right? Did he just not like my food??? :sad: Sad and missing him...He was very active and fun to watch!
What did you try to feed him?

They are definately brackish fish, which grow quite large. They are also extremely active schooling fish, so you will need a very large aquarium.

They are scavangers, but do not remain on the bottom. I have found they love frozen plankton, as well as fresh clams, oysters, and shrimp.
Freeze dried bloodworms. And there was regular tropical fish flakes in there for the other fish. They told me at the store that it would eat either of them. In fact, that's what she said they fed them there at the store. But like i said...I got it home and it wouldn't eat. I'm going to wait a while before trying again with a bigger, brackish water tank. I'll stick with my platies for now *I think one is pregnant :D* Thanks for the advice...I'll remember those foods when I decide to try again.
I have a question. I bought a 5 Gallon tank just to try it out to see if i like the whole fish thing and all. Now im tryin to get a little more serious. I am going to buy a 20 Gallon tank and is that enough for a Silver Tipped Shark to grow in along with a Clown Loach and Some Sort Of Tetra with it? Or is a 20 gallon tank not large enough for a Silver Tipped Shark?
Thanks :hyper:
Please don't buy "a" shark catfish, if by this you mean Hexanematichthys seemanni. They are extremely sociable fish and despite their size and predatory appearance, need playmates just as much as neon tetras. Get at least three.

A 200 gallon tank is about right for keeping them, as they are extremely active and the extra space will allow you to add tankmates. These are beautiful, peaceful fish that work beautifully in tanks with fish like monos and scats and archerfish. They reach up to 35 cm (about 13") in length in the wild, and get to about 20-30 cm (8-12") in captivity. They need brackish water or salt water but cannot be kept in freshwater indefinitely. They eat a variety of things but frozen mussels, prawns, and squid can be bought from the grocery store and used as staple without any problems. In the wild they eat mostly shrimps and crabs. They may eat smaller fish given the chance, but they are fine with fish too large to swallow whole.

Shark catfish make noises, especially when stressed. Do listen out for it.

Cheers, Neale
Silver Tipss will grow up to 2 feet?? I was told 12 tops.
What kind of noise do they make?

Im new to these guys myself. The description tag on hsi tank said SemiAgressive and I havent seen any agressive behavior from him. He seems like a very peaceful fish.

I know most Catfish like to be with others, I keep my Corys in groups of more than 3, but he was the only one they had at the moment so hes alone.

I do have him in freshwater right now.

BTW, Mine seems to love shrimp pellets
Since I Was at the pet store I asked the owner about these fish. She said just a bit of salt is enough to make them happy and it wouldnt affect the other fish, in fact the other fish(Barbs swordtails) would be happier as well. She told me 1/2 teaspoon for every 5 Gs(instead of the full).

Wanted to ask here before going further.

Will the slight amount of aquarium salt added be enough to make the Silver happy and not affect my plants and rest of tanks,etc?

Thanks in advance.
Since I Was at the pet store I asked the owner about these fish. She said just a bit of salt is enough to make them happy and it wouldnt affect the other fish, in fact the other fish(Barbs swordtails) would be happier as well. She told me 1/2 teaspoon for every 5 Gs(instead of the full).

Wanted to ask here before going further.

Will the slight amount of aquarium salt added be enough to make the Silver happy and not affect my plants and rest of tanks,etc?

Thanks in advance.


Sorry, but a little bit of Salt will not do in the long run. And what sort of salt are you talking about?
You need proper Marine Salt. I am not to sure about your other tropical fish in that tank but I can't see them being happy in Salt Water.
I wish Shops would not sell these fish without telling people what these fish require. The same happened to me when I started keeping Brackish.

I got the silver tipped - but there was no mention of him needing salt. I read that here.

I went back to the shop to get something else and asked about the silver tipped again when I got there. They told me some aquarium salt would be all the silver tipped required. I wondered how that would affect my freshwater fish and was told the little bit of salt added to the tank wouldnt bother my freshwater fish, in fact the fish would be better because of it.

Its just aqaruim salt, not marine salt as its not a salt water or even a brakish tank.

I was gonna take the silver tipped back but then thought of keeping him as I am considering starting up another tank soon.

The aqarium salt instructions were for a full teaspoon per gallon of water. She told me to use 1/2 and it would be enough for the silver tipped to be happy and not enough to negatively affect the freshwater fish and my plants.

I wanted to ask here before doing any of this since Im new to alot of freshwater fish and have been primarily a Betta owner until recently.

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