Silver Shark Vertical


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
Near Leeds, W.Yorks
I have a 100 gallon tank filtered by 2 EX1200 filters, regular cleaning and water changes and water quality parameters are excellent.I have 5 other tanks and have kept fish for over 30 years.In the 100 gallon tank there are several synodontis and 4 silver sharks between 8 and 11" who have been in there for 3 years since they were about 4 to 5".One of the sharks is now hanging almost vertically and seems to be 'struggling' to stay in this position.No visible signs of disease or injury on this or any of the other fish.It does still feed a little but not as enthusiastically as it did.No evidence of bullying from the others.
Any thoughts, help or advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks a lot."
Does he look bloated.
Does he turn upside down.
It sounds like swim bladder.
What do you feed your fish.

Causes of swim bladder are.
Bad water quality.
Unstable temp.
Bad diet.
Birth defect.
Bacterial infection of the swim bladder.
Internal parasites.
Does he look bloated.
Does he turn upside down.
It sounds like swim bladder.
What do you feed your fish.

Causes of swim bladder are.
Bad water quality.
Unstable temp.
Bad diet.
Birth defect.
Bacterial infection of the swim bladder.
Internal parasites.

Not bloated, never goes upside down, temp is stable, water is spot on, diet is good and varied. Don't think it's swim bladder but maybe internal parasites is a possibility.
Being unable to stay in position is a swim bladder sign.

Signs of internal parasites are.
Long stringy white poo or clear mucas poo.
Worms prutruding from the anus.
Enlarged anus to red inflamed anus.
Sunken in belly.
Fish will look skinny or bloated.
Fish will sometimes swim on its side.
Bent spine sometimes.
Being unable to stay in position is a swim bladder sign.

Signs of internal parasites are.
Long stringy white poo or clear mucas poo.
Worms prutruding from the anus.
Enlarged anus to red inflamed anus.
Sunken in belly.
Fish will look skinny or bloated.
Fish will sometimes swim on its side.
Bent spine sometimes.
None of these symptoms shown.
Can you say what you feed the fish.

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