Silver Sand.


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
Rotherham, UK.
Sorry, yet another thread I know but I'm being bugged by this, after this I'll be quiet.

I order silver sand for my tank, to go on top of a decent layer of Tetra Plant Complete Substrate, have I made an error? I was reading how it can compact and not allow oxygen to the roots or something because it's quite 'fine', but the site said it makes a good rooting sub. for plants.

Any ideas?

Many thanks.
Silver Sand is fine. It is the same as Dry Sand. (they are both the dry version of playsand.)

Scaremongers will tell you about anaerobic pockets but plant roots and 'sifting' fish like corys, Rams, plecs etc will move the substrate. MTS (Malaysian trumpet Snails) are also a good helper in moving the substrate around.

Phew! Thank you, I had images of this 25KG bag of sand that's completely useless lol. I have Corys, Loaches and a couple of Plecs and a Catfish so that sounds pretty alright to me.

You saved me some worry there!

This is what my substrate is made of:


Silver Sand is on the right.

Sweet, thanks for the input, I'll let you know how it goes, I'll get some piccies up when it's done or maybe do a journal. :)

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